Meet Ezio Casali, ECHO Ambassador from Italy!


“My interest in the ECHO project starts from the awareness and belief that, in the current environmental and climatic situation, soil represents one of the key elements for improving the conditions of environmental, economic, and social sustainability, which in my view represents the true goal to pursue to leave future generations a planet in good condition. This global vision of the issue cannot overlook local actions, especially in certain agronomic contexts, where there is an alarming decline in organic matter content in many soils subjected to decades of intensive farming and monoculture. Efforts should focus on raising awareness among agricultural professionals and the public, aiming to optimize the use of technical means and to make non-experts aware of the importance of this crucial and fundamental resource, which ensures biodiversity, carbon sequestration, and many other environmental benefits.

In my role as a teacher of Plant Production and Environmental and Land Management at an agricultural technical institute, I try to teach to my students these fundamental concepts: a well-managed soil is a „healthy” soil, and often adopting techniques aimed at its preservation offers benefits not only for the environment but also for the profitability of the agricultural enterprise. Moreover, I work as a freelance professional, primarily in the field of organic and integrated agriculture, both as a technical consultant and a certifier, seeking to raise awareness among farmers about the thoughtful and environmentally conscious use of fertilizers, plant protection products, and more.

I believe that agricultural activity, when properly managed, represents a fundamental factor in protecting the environment, the landscape, and ultimately the entire community.”