Meet Project ECHO Leaders: Margherita Caggiano, Re Soil

Upon entering Re Soil’s website, we are greeted with a motto: “No soil, no future”. Despite your foundation’s involvement in a variety of different projects, would you say that most of them revolve around the topic of soil? Soil is a vital resource. It provides us with nutritious food and other products, as well as […]

ECHO x PlantAnim

On June 28th project ECHO was presented at the PlantAnim Symposium in Porto, Portugal – an event made possible by the efforts of Ruth Pereira (GreenUPorto/FCUP), gabriel marais (BIOPOLIS & CIBIO) and the DBIO. The theme of this year’s Symposium was “Citizen Science and what it can do for projects on plants, soil and associated organisms”. […]

Meet Project ECHO Leaders: Monika Witek, PLANTPRESS

From Italy and Spain, we move on to Poland: home of the juiciest apples, the sweetest beets, and one of our ECHO Leaders, Monika Witek from Plantpress. As the head of the communications team, she makes sure that both professionals and the public alike are up-to-date on all things ECHO. But what are her own […]

ECHO at Greek National Event of NATI00NS

ECHO partners spread the word about our objectives by participating in many events. This time ECHO was presented in Thessaloniki. On May 21 American Farm School co-organized the Greek National Event of NATI00NS project: the Soil Mission and Living Labs calls 2024. National events under the NATI00NS project raise awareness of the European Union’s Soil […]

ECHO at Nati00ns in Rome

On 13 May 2024, the national event on the Soil Mission of the European Union – „100 Living Labs and Lighthouses for Soil Health – Funding Opportunities 2024” was held in Rome. The ECHO Horizon Europe Project was presented by our coordinator, Tanja Mimmo. National events organized by the Horizon Europe NATI00NS project aim to […]

Get to know ECHO Leaders: Alba Peiro, Ibercivis

After an introduction to the project by our coordinator, we sit down with Alba Peiro from Ibercivis, our Spanish partner foundation, for a conversation about their specialty – citizen science, and the many ways we can inspire youth to join our ranks. What drew Ibercivis to project ECHO? Which aspect of the project resonates with […]

ECHO in Vienna

Last week, the 5th European Citizen Science Association conference took place in beautiful Vienna. The topic of this year’s conference was CHANGE, because, as the organizers themselves explain, „we are in a time of rapid change on multiple levels”. We talked about different attitudes towards change, methods of influencing it and how citizen scientists can […]

ECHO at the 10th MCAA Conference

Last weekend, members of the Marie Curie Alumni Association met in Milan to commemorate the tenth anniversary of their organization. The MCAA brings together scholars on different career paths, united by the fact that at some point their excellent work earned them a grant from the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions fund 🔬 Naturally, we wanted to […]

Meet our coordinator!

To kick-off our first newsletter, we interviewed our coordinator, prof. Tanja Mimmo from the Free University in Bolzano. What better way to learn about project ECHO, than from the person who holds it all together? Let’s work from the ground up. When did you discover your passion for science? TM: Since childhood, I’ve been intrigued […]

ECHO on 4º Encontro Nacional de Ciência Cidadã

It was a full immersion in citizen science projects at the 4° Encontro Nacional de Ciência Cidadã. One of them was our project „ECHO – Engaging citizens in soil science: the road to healthier soils”. The 4th National Citizen Science Meeting (ENCC2023) took place in Coimbra, Portugal on the 27th and 28th of November 2023. […]